OpenStack - Virtual server service platform

  • OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform that supports both public clouds and private clouds. It provides a simple, scalable, and feature rich cloud computing infrastructure solution.



  • Openstack is a cloud software designed to run on hardware products such as x86, ARM. It has no software or hardware specifications, it integrates with legacy systems and third-party products.
  • Initially, OpenStack was developed by NASA and Rackspace, the first version in 2010. Their orientation from the beginning was to create an open source project that people could use or contribute to. OpenStack is under the Apache License 2.0 standard, so the first version has grown widely in the community supported by more than 12,000 collaborators in nearly 130 countries, and more than 150 companies including Redhat, Canonical, IBM, AT&T , Cisco, Intel, PayPal, Comcast and a lot of other names. To date, OpenStack has released 13 versions including: Austin, Bexar, Cactus, Diablo, Essex, Folsom, Grizzly, Havana, Icehouse, Juno, Kilo, Liberty, Mitaka.

Components of OpenStack

OpenStack is not a single project but a group of open source projects aimed at providing complete cloud services. OpenStack contains many components:

1. OpenStack compute: is a module to manage and provide virtual machines. Its development name Nova. It supports many hypervisors including KVM, QEMU, LXC, XenServer ... Compute is a powerful tool that can control all tasks: networking, CPU, storage, memory, creating, controlling and deleting virtual machines, security, access control. You can control them all by command or from the dashboard interface on the web.

2. OpenStack Glance: OpenStack Image Service, managing virtual disk images. Glance supports Raw, Hyper-V (VHD), VirtualBox (VDI), Qemu (qcow2) and VMWare (VMDK, OVF) images. You can do this: update virtual disk images, configure public and private images and control access to them, and of course create and delete them.

3. OpenStack Object Storage: used to manage storage. It is a distributed storage system for managing all types of storage such as archives, user data, virtual machine images ... There are many redundancy layers and replication is done automatically, so when a node is The error does not cause data loss, and the recovery is done automatically.

4. Identity Server: managing authentication for users and projects.

5. OpenStack Netwok: is a network management component for virtual machines. Provide network as a service function. This is a system with pluggable, scalable and API-driven properties.

6. OpenStack dashboard: provides administrators as well as graphical user interface to access, provision and automate cloud resources. The expandable design makes it easy to add external products and services such as billing, monitoring and other monitoring tools.

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